To: President Bush
From: Pamela Crowther
Date: 15/11/2001
Re: Hear Zimbabwe!Our words fall loudly on deafened ears
Mr. Bush, I see that no one cares!
I guess this tiny little nation
Has no effect on your destination!
Yet people die here every day
Terrorists Rule - and have their way!
"A War On Terrorism " - You said
So why are People Tortured! People Dead!
Children beaten, with branches and poles!
People now live in dug out holes -
Chased from their beds and homes at night!
Tortured and terrorised - no will to fight.
Farmers who've fed this land for so long
Now told that they no longer belong
In the land of their birth, their right to survive
Now questioned - even their right to be alive!
This nation now lives and exists on Fear!
Mr Bush - tell me Do You Care!
© Pam Crowther
November 2001